Preventive dentistry.
Tout bon dentiste prêche la prévention d’abord et avant tout!
For this reason, we offer you our treatments and prevention tips.
Preventive dentistry.
Tout bon dentiste prêche la prévention d’abord et avant tout!
For this reason, we offer you our treatments and prevention tips.
Mouth protection for athletes
Just as you need to have the right equipment to practice many sports, you also absolutely need to protect your teeth. Hockey, basketball, soccer, boxing, rugby... think beyond sneakers! The dentist can recommend a custom-made mouth protector.
Mouth protection for athletes
Just as you need to have the right equipment to practice many sports, you also absolutely need to protect your teeth. Hockey, basketball, soccer, boxing, rugby... think beyond sneakers! The dentist can recommend a custom-made mouth protector.
Occlusal bite planes for bruxism.
An enormous number of people clench their teeth at night, or grind them, without being aware of it. When people wake up with headaches, mouth pain and temporomandibular (jaw) pain, bruxism may be the culprit. For this, the dentist recommends a mouth guard, called an occlusal bite plane, to stop the grinding, which wears teeth down and damages the jaw. Made to measure, the mouth guard protects the teeth and relieves and reduces symptoms, often stopping them entirely.
Snoring-reduction devices.
Snoring, a sensitive topic in the bedroom, is just as common among men as it is among women. Snoring can disrupt sleep for both the snorer and their partner, but you can reduce it by using a device. The dentist can recommend the right one after examining you.
Brushing: Electric or manual toothbrush?
The fastest route to good dental health? Brushing your teeth, of course! Twice a day, morning and night, and a third time after your lunch if you can, with flossing as a final touch in the evening. These are small habits that give you great results.
Dr. Zeina Abou-Khalil's advice:
La brosse à dents électrique est indiquée lorsqu’on a moins de dextérité manuelle. Le plus important est d’avoir une brosse à dents avec poils souples ou ultras souples pour éviter les abrasions dentaires et la récession de la gencive. L’équipe de Dre Zeina Abou-Khalil prend toujours le temps d’expliquer la bonne technique de brossage. Un geste quotidien et automatique qui doit toutefois être bien fait.
What about toothpaste?
Un dentifrice avec fluor est recommandé. Les avantages du fluor sont multiples: diminution de la sensibilité des dents, diminution du risque de carie et reminéralisation de l’émail.
Brushing: Electric or manual toothbrush?
The fastest route to good dental health? Brushing your teeth, of course! Twice a day, morning and night, and a third time after your lunch if you can, with flossing as a final touch in the evening. These are small habits that give you great results.
Dr. Zeina Abou-Khalil's advice:
La brosse à dents électrique est indiquée lorsqu’on a moins de dextérité manuelle. Le plus important est d’avoir une brosse à dents avec poils souples ou ultras souples pour éviter les abrasions dentaires et la récession de la gencive. L’équipe de Dre Zeina Abou-Khalil prend toujours le temps d’expliquer la bonne technique de brossage. Un geste quotidien et automatique qui doit toutefois être bien fait.
What about toothpaste?
Un dentifrice avec fluor est recommandé. Les avantages du fluor sont multiples: diminution de la sensibilité des dents, diminution du risque de carie et reminéralisation de l’émail.
We're here for you!
In case of emergency
In a dental emergency situation, Dr. Zeina Abou-Khalil is available to provide patients with all necessary care and relieve pain as quickly as possible.